The candidates who passed the written exams to be hired for Group-C positions and Multi-tasking staff have received e-Provisional Admission Certificates from the Joint Recruitment Board, Tripura (JRBT). The formal announcement made on Monday states that the Group-C job interviews will take place first. Following that, a multi-tasking staff (Group-D) interview will be conducted. On 26th December,2022 the e-Provisional Certificates for participating in the interview for Group-C postings went live. The candidates can access or to download their provisional certificates. Candidates can obtain their e-Provisional Certificates from JRBT headquarters in Agartala at Shrama Bhavan in Office Lane if they are unable to do so from one of the two websites. Between 10 am and 5 pm, candidates must come to the JRBT office with their admission card and any original photo ID. To obtain the provisional certificates, they may also email to [email protected] with the required documentation.