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Posted On Job Notification Last Date to Apply
2025-02-10 Recruitment of Junior Physical Instructor 2025-03-10
2025-01-15 Recruitment of TFFS, Fisheries Officer 2025-02-15
2025-01-08 Written Test of High Court, Group D has been postponed NA
2025-01-01 Notification of Youth Organizer 2025-01-31
2025-01-01 Notification of Specialist Medical Officer 2025-02-04
2025-01-01 Notification of Answer key for Senior Computer Assistant NA
NA Selection Test for Physical Education Teacher 2025-01-22
2024-12-16 Notification for written exam of High Court, Group D NA
2024-12-16 Online application for T-TET 2025-02-28
2024-12-12 Recruitment of TET , UGT and GT 2025-01-10
2024-11-29 Updated Notification of TPSC, Combined 3 NA
2024-11-29 Online application are invited for Group C posts, High Court 2025-01-02
2024-11-27 Updated Notification of Written Examination for MPW NA
2024-11-15 Updated Notification of MPW, Male/Female NA
2024-11-13 Notification for provisional admission certificate of TPSC NA
2024-11-14 Invite for Personality Test of Combined Examination (TPSC) NA
2024-11-12 Invite online application for Revenue Inspector 2024-11-19
NA Recruitment of School Librarian NA
NA Recruitment of Senior Informatics officer NA
NA Recruitment of Assistant Programmer, Election Department NA
NA Notification for downloading Interview letter for TP NA
NA Interaction test for recruitment of 1000 Police Constables (Men & Women) in Tripura Police NA
NA Recruitment for the various post of Sofed NA
NA Written Examination for recruitment to the post of Sports Officer NA
NA Merit list of Agriculture officer, TAFS, GrI NA
NA Notification of Senior Computer Assistant, Group-C Non-Cazetted NA
NA Notification of Assistant Professor, Group-A, Gazetted for Regional College of Physical Education, Panisagar NA
NA Result has been declared for Medical officer (Homeo) NA
NA Summary of written examination For TCS/TPS NA
NA Personal Interaction Test of Tripura Police Constables (Men & Women) NA
NA Preliminary Examination of Election Inspector will be held on 22.12.2024 NA
NA Interview/ personality test of Sub zonal Development officer/Deputy Principal officer has been postponed until further notice NA
NA Provisional Answer key of Mains Exam of TES NA
NA TCS/TPS Examination final merit list is out NA
2024-09-10 TTAADC written Examination Result is declared NA
NA Final result is up for Multi tasking staff group D, JRBT NA
NA Recruitment to the post of Head Clerk/ Accountant in the Rural Development Department NA
NA Recruitment to the post of Upper Division Clerk (UDC Grade) in the Rural Development Department NA
NA Recruitment to the post of Office Superintendent in the Rural Development Department NA
NA Recruitment to the post of 'Junior (Jr.) Mechanic' in the Rural Development Department NA
NA Recruitment for the post of Lower Division Clerk of Rural Development Department, Govt. of Tripura NA
NA Recruitment for the post of Multi Purpose Worker (Male) & Multi Purpose Worker (Female) under the Health & Family Welfare Department, Government of Tripura NA
NA Departmental Examination for in-service Auditors under Grade-VI NA
NA Personality Test from 21-08-2024 to 23-08-2024 for recruitment to Tripura Civil Service, Gr.-II & Tripura Police Service, Gr.-II under GA(P&T) Department, Govt. of Tripura vide Advertisement No. 05/2022 has decided to postponed NA
NA Final Answer Keys in connection with written examination held on 28/01/2024 for recruitment of 1000 Police Constables (Men & Women) in Tripura Police NA
NA The Interview/ Viva Voce for recruitment of Pharmacist (Allopathy), Pharmacist (Ayurved), Pharmacist (Homoeo), Laboratory Technician NA
NA Declaration of result for recruitment to the post of Cash-Cum-General-Clerk (CCGC), Multi-Tasking-Staff (MTS) AND Assistant Manager (JM-11) NA
NA Departmental Examination for in-service Assistant Audit/Accounts Officers NA
NA The recruitment process to the post of Food Safety Officer vide Advertisement No. 06/2024 dated 07.08.2024 has been cancelled NA
NA Recruitment in Grade-III of Tripura Judicial Service NA
NA Recruitment of Food Safety Officer, Group-B NA
NA Written Examination for recruitment of Sports Officer NA
NA Written Examination for recruitment to the post of Senior Computer Assistant NA
NA Result of the Written Examination held on 04.02.2024 for recruitment to the post of Veterinary Officer NA
NA Declaration of result of the Written Examination held on 16.03.2024 for recruitment to the post of Medical officer (Homeo) NA
NA Preliminary Examination for Tripura combined competitive examination has been deferred until further notice NA
NA Updated notification of Sub zonal Development officer/Deputy Principal officer, TTAADC 2024 NA
NA Mains Examination for the recruitment to the post of Junior Engineer NA
NA Invited for various posts under TRLM NA
NA Recruitment of various posts under TRLM NA
NA Results of the Mains Examination held on 29.09.2023, 30.09.2023 & 01.10.2023 for recruitment to the Tripura Civil Service-Grade-II & Tripura Police Service-Grade-II NA
NA Notification for appointment to the post of TAFS Grade-I (Group-B Gazetted) NA
NA Results of the preliminary Examination held on 08.10.2023 for recruitment to the post of TES NA
NA Notification of TES Mains Examination NA
NA Appointment for the recruitment to the Miscellaneous posts through Combined Competitive Examination NA
NA Merit list of Personal Assistant Grade II, Govt. of Tripura NA
NA Modified final Answer key of TES (Mechanical Engineering) Gr-V(A) & TES Gr-V(B) under the Department of Public Works, Govt. of Tripura NA
NA Modified final Answer key of TES (Electrical Engineering) Gr-V(A) & TES Gr-V(B) under the Department of Public Works, Govt. of Tripura NA
NA Modified final Answer key of TES (Civil Engineering) Gr-V(A) & TES Gr-V(B) under the Department of Public Works, Govt. of Tripura NA
NA Latest Notification of miscellaneous posts through combined competitive exam NA
NA The AAHPER/ Physical fitness test for recruitment to the post of Sports Officer NA
NA Latest Notification of TES Gr-V(A) & TES Gr-V(B) under the Department of Public Works, Govt. of Tripura : High Court of Tripura order NA
NA Recruitment of 8(eight) posts of Sports Officer, Group-B, Gazetted under Education (YAS) Department, Govt. of Tripura NA
NA Preliminary Examination for the recruitment to the Miscellaneous posts through Combined Competitive Examination NA
NA Interview/ Personality test for recruitment to the Miscellaneous posts through Combined Competitive Examination NA
2024-02-03 Recruitment of Sub zonal Development officer/Deputy Principal officer, TTAADC 2024 2024-02-17
2024-01-25 Senior Computer Assistant, Group C, Non-Gazetted, Directorate of Treasuries, under the Finance Department & the Department of Industries and Commerce 2024-02-26
NA Invite for Personality Test of the provisionally qualified candidates NA
NA Result of the Mains Examinations for recruitment to the Miscellaneous posts NA
2023-12-19 Subject/Discipline-wise requirement for direct recruitment to the posts of Asstt. Professor of AGMC & GBP 2024-01-29
2023-12-21 Recruitment of Sofed for various post 2023-12-31
2023-12-22 Physical endurance tests for recruitment of 1000 Police Constables (Both Men & Women) in Tripura Police 2024-01-28
2023-12-08 Recruitment of Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission (TRLM). 2023-12-17
2023-11-17 Recruitment of various non-teaching positions- National Law University Tripura. 2023-11-02
2023-10-28 Tripura State Co-Operative Bank LTD. Recruitment 2023. 2023-11-28
2023-11-01 High Court of Tripura Group D Recruitment Notification 2023 2023-12-03
2023-09-16 Tripura Excise Sub-inspector Result Out (16/09/2023) NA
2023-09-16 Tripura Excise Sub-inspector Result Out (16/09/2023) NA
2023-08-25 TPSC Election Inspector Recruitment is Cancelled NA
2023-08-02 TPSC job openings 2023: Apply by August 10 for 60 Agriculture Officer positions 2023-09-11
2023-07-18 Recruitment for TPSC Junior Engineer 2023: Advt. No. 09/2023 Has Been Re-Released 2023-08-24
2023-07-10 TPSC TCS/TPS Prelims Result Published NA
2023-07-10 TPSC TES Recruitment Process is Cancelled NA
2023-07-04 TPSC TES Exam Scheduled 2023-07-16
2023-04-27 JRBT Tripura Interview Date 2023 Resumed NA
2023-04-24 TPSC Written Examination date Out! NA
NA Tripura Public Service Commission Stenographer General Ability Test Date Notification NA
2023-01-25 Notification for extension of submission date for Online Application for the post of Junior Engineer, TES, Gr-V(A) and Junior Engineer, TES, Gr-V(B) 2023-02-10
2023-01-20 Notification regarding re-scheduled date for Written Examination of Sub-Inspector of Excise( Advt No-07/2022 & Advt. No-15/2022) 2022-12-21
2023-01-17 Notice for postponement of ongoing Document Verification & Interview of Gr-C post (English) NA
2023-01-11 Notification regarding re-scheduled date for Preliminary Examination of TCS & TPS, GR-II,2022-23( Advt No-05/2022). NA
2023-01-06 Result of Preliminary Examination for recruitment to the Miscellaneous Posts(Advt. No.06/2021) NA
2022-12-29 Programme of Interview/Personality Test for recruitment to the post of Scientific Officer, Group-B (Gazetted)in three different branches/discipline, State Forensic Science Laboratory under Home Department, Government of Tripura. NA
2022-12-26 Notice For Interview (JRBT)- 2022 NA
2022-12-07 Recuritement to the post of Tehslider in the District Administration(Revenue) Depertment NA
2022-12-02 Recuritement to the post of Senior Computer Asistant in the District Administration(Revenue) Depertment NA
2022-12-07 Recuritement to the post of Revenue Inspector in the District Administration(Revenue) Depertment NA
2022-12-03 Notification for Graduate Teacher ( VI- VIII) - 2022 Third Session 2022-12-08
2022-12-03 Recruitment of Warder (male) in Home (Jail) Department- 2022 2022-12-07
NA Syllabus, Scheme of Exam, Annexure-A etc. regarding the post of Agriculture Officer, TAFS Gr-I (Advt. No.18/2022) NA
2022-12-02 TPSC LD Assistant result out NA
2022-11-30 Notice for publication of list of provisionally qualifiedand candidates for Interview for Group-C &MTS(Gr.-D) posts NA
2022-11-30 Notice for publication of list of provisionally qualified candidates for Interview for Group-C&MTS(Gr.-D)posts - NA
2022-11-29 List of Provisionally Qualified Candidates for Interview for Group - C post NA
2022-11-29 List of Provisionally Qualified Candidates for Interview for MTS ( Group - D) post NA
NA Advertisement regarding recruitment to the post of Agriculture Officer,TAFS,Gr-I,Group-B Gazetted under the Department of Agriculture and Farmer's Welfare,Govt. of Tripura. - 2022 2023-01-09
NA Syllabus for written examination & interview for the post of Staff Nurse.- 2022 NA
2022-11-18 Notification regarding Combined Competitive Examination for recruitment to the Miscellanious posts,Govt. of Tripura.- 2022 NA
2022-11-18 Notification regarding Main Examination and Preliminary Examination for recruitment to various posts. NA
NA Advertisement for recruitment to the posts of Sub-Inspector of Excise for Excise Ogranization- 2022 2022-12-21
NA Advertisement for recruitment to the posts of Junior Engineer, TES,Grade-V(A)(Degree) & Junior Engineer, TES,Grade-V(B)(Diploma)[ Civil, Mechanical & Electrical ]- 2022 2022-12-26
2022-11-05 T-TET 2022 Notice 2022-11-22
2022-09-15 Addendum to the Tripura Combined Competitive Examination for recruitment to Miscellaneous posts-2022 NA
2022-07-29 Notification: STPGT- Second Session-2022 2022-08-23
2022-07-15 STGT-2022 Notification 2022-07-30
2022-05-24 Tripura Fire & Emergency Services Recruitment Notification dated 24-05-2022 2022-06-10
2022-05-18 Notification regarding Preliminary Examination/Written Examination for recruitment to various posts/services. NA
2022-05-02 Addendum regarding Commissions Advt. No. 06/2021 dated 07-12-2021. Download! (02/05/2022) NA
2022-04-28 Recruitment notification for the post of 1362 Fireman(FM). (28/04/2022) 2022-06-10
2022-04-25 Result of Written Examination to the post of Sub-Inspector of Police (Advt. No.05/2020) (25/04/2022) NA
NA Advertisement for recruitment to the post of Personal Assistant Grade-II (PA-II) under GA(P&T) Department 2022-05-31
2022-03-14 Syllabus of Preliminary Exam. for recruitment to Personal Assistant Grade-II (PA-II) NA
NA Advertisement regarding recruitment to the post of Sub-Inspector of Excise for Excise Organization (Group-C,Non-Gazetted) under Finance Department, Govt. of Tripura. (14/03/2022) 2022-05-25
NA Roll no. of candidates qualified for ‘Type Test’ for recruitment to the post of LDC for Office of the District & Session Judge, Unakoti District, Kailashahar. (14/03/2022) NA
2022-03-03 Advertisement regarding recruitment to Tripura Civil Service, Gr-II & Tripura Police Service, Gr-II,Group A Gazetted under GA(P& T) Department,Govt. of Tripura. (03/03/2022) 2022-04-30
2022-01-24 Notification for Date of Written Examination for the post of LD Asstt. cum Typist, Gr-VI of TSS (Advt. No.05/2021) (24/01/2022) NA
2021-12-07 Advertisement for recruitment to the post of Suprevisor (ICDS), Group-C Non Gazetted under SWSE Deptt. (07/12/2021) 2022-01-20
2021-11-05 Advertisement for recruitment to the post of L.D. Asstt.-cum-Typist, Grade-VI of the Tripura Secretariat Service (Group-C, Non-Gazetted) under GA(SA) Deptt.(Advt. No.-052021) (05/11/2021) 2022-01-15
2021-10-25 RECRUIMENT NOTICE Dated 25-10-2021: Online Applications are invited for filling up 14 (fourteen) Group-B Non-Gazetted posts of Personal Assistant (PA) in the establishment of the High Court of Tripura. (25/10/2021) 2021-11-20
2021-09-30 Result of Physical Efficiency Test for Sub-Inspector of Police (Advt. No.05/2020) (30/09/2021) NA
2021-09-29 Notification regarding Written Exam for Sub-Inspector of Police (Advt. No.05/2020) (29/09/2021) NA
2021-09-10 Important Instructions for candidates appearing STGT/STPGT-2020 (10/09/2021) NA
2021-09-01 Rescheduling of T-TET 2021 (01/09/2021) NA
2021-08-26 Extension the period for submission of online application for the Departmental Exam. of Assistant Audit/Accounts Officer (26/08/2021) 2021-09-27
2021-08-25 Notification regarding rescheduling for submission of online application to the post of Food Safety Officer, Group-B Gazetted under Health and Family Welfare Department ,Govt. of Tripura vide Advt. No. 04/2021 (25/08/2021) 2021-09-30
2021-08-17 Notice for schedule of written examination in C/W recruitment the post of Riflemen and Riflemen (Tradesmen) for new TST IR BN (17/08/2021) NA
2021-08-13 Date for Physical Efficiency Test for the post of S. I. Police(Men)(UB)(Advt. No-05/2020) (14/08/2021) NA
2021-08-13 Result of Main(Written) Examination of TCS,Gr-II & TPS. Gr-II(Advt. No.-03/2020) (13/08/2021) NA