2025-02-10 |
Recruitment of Junior Physical Instructor |
2025-03-10 |
2025-01-15 |
Recruitment of TFFS, Fisheries Officer |
2025-02-15 |
2025-01-08 |
Written Test of High Court, Group D has been postponed |
NA |
2025-01-01 |
Notification of Youth Organizer |
2025-01-31 |
2025-01-01 |
Notification of Specialist Medical Officer |
2025-02-04 |
2025-01-01 |
Notification of Answer key for Senior Computer Assistant |
NA |
NA |
Selection Test for Physical Education Teacher |
2025-01-22 |
2024-12-16 |
Notification for written exam of High Court, Group D |
NA |
2024-12-16 |
Online application for T-TET |
2025-02-28 |
2024-12-12 |
Recruitment of TET , UGT and GT |
2025-01-10 |
2024-11-29 |
Updated Notification of TPSC, Combined 3 |
NA |
2024-11-29 |
Online application are invited for Group C posts, High Court |
2025-01-02 |
2024-11-27 |
Updated Notification of Written Examination for MPW |
NA |
2024-11-15 |
Updated Notification of MPW, Male/Female |
NA |
2024-11-13 |
Notification for provisional admission certificate of TPSC |
NA |
2024-11-14 |
Invite for Personality Test of Combined Examination (TPSC) |
NA |
2024-11-12 |
Invite online application for Revenue Inspector |
2024-11-19 |
NA |
Recruitment of School Librarian |
NA |
NA |
Recruitment of Senior Informatics officer |
NA |
NA |
Recruitment of Assistant Programmer, Election Department |
NA |
NA |
Notification for downloading Interview letter for TP |
NA |
NA |
Interaction test for recruitment of 1000 Police Constables (Men & Women) in Tripura Police |
NA |
NA |
Recruitment for the various post of Sofed |
NA |
NA |
Written Examination for recruitment to the post of Sports Officer |
NA |
NA |
Merit list of Agriculture officer, TAFS, GrI |
NA |
NA |
Notification of Senior Computer Assistant, Group-C Non-Cazetted |
NA |
NA |
Notification of Assistant Professor, Group-A, Gazetted for Regional College of Physical Education, Panisagar |
NA |
NA |
Result has been declared for Medical officer (Homeo) |
NA |
NA |
Summary of written examination For TCS/TPS |
NA |
NA |
Personal Interaction Test of Tripura Police Constables (Men & Women) |
NA |
NA |
Preliminary Examination of Election Inspector will be held on 22.12.2024 |
NA |
NA |
Interview/ personality test of Sub zonal Development officer/Deputy Principal officer has been postponed until further notice |
NA |
NA |
Provisional Answer key of Mains Exam of TES |
NA |
NA |
TCS/TPS Examination final merit list is out |
NA |
2024-09-10 |
TTAADC written Examination Result is declared |
NA |
NA |
Final result is up for Multi tasking staff group D, JRBT |
NA |
NA |
Recruitment to the post of Head Clerk/ Accountant in the Rural Development Department |
NA |
NA |
Recruitment to the post of Upper Division Clerk (UDC Grade) in the Rural Development Department |
NA |
NA |
Recruitment to the post of Office Superintendent in the Rural Development Department |
NA |
NA |
Recruitment to the post of 'Junior (Jr.) Mechanic' in the Rural Development Department |
NA |
NA |
Recruitment for the post of Lower Division Clerk of Rural Development Department, Govt. of Tripura |
NA |
NA |
Recruitment for the post of Multi Purpose Worker (Male) & Multi Purpose Worker (Female) under the Health & Family Welfare Department, Government of Tripura |
NA |
NA |
Departmental Examination for in-service Auditors under Grade-VI |
NA |
NA |
Personality Test from 21-08-2024 to 23-08-2024 for recruitment to Tripura Civil Service, Gr.-II & Tripura Police Service, Gr.-II under GA(P&T) Department, Govt. of Tripura vide Advertisement No. 05/2022 has decided to postponed |
NA |
NA |
Final Answer Keys in connection with written examination held on 28/01/2024 for recruitment of 1000 Police Constables (Men & Women) in Tripura Police |
NA |
NA |
The Interview/ Viva Voce for recruitment of Pharmacist (Allopathy), Pharmacist (Ayurved), Pharmacist (Homoeo), Laboratory Technician |
NA |
NA |
Declaration of result for recruitment to the post of Cash-Cum-General-Clerk (CCGC), Multi-Tasking-Staff (MTS) AND Assistant Manager (JM-11) |
NA |
NA |
Departmental Examination for in-service Assistant Audit/Accounts Officers |
NA |
NA |
The recruitment process to the post of Food Safety Officer vide Advertisement No. 06/2024 dated 07.08.2024 has been cancelled |
NA |
NA |
Recruitment in Grade-III of Tripura Judicial Service |
NA |
NA |
Recruitment of Food Safety Officer, Group-B |
NA |
NA |
Written Examination for recruitment of Sports Officer |
NA |
NA |
Written Examination for recruitment to the post of Senior Computer Assistant |
NA |
NA |
Result of the Written Examination held on 04.02.2024 for recruitment to the post of Veterinary Officer |
NA |
NA |
Declaration of result of the Written Examination held on 16.03.2024 for recruitment to the post of Medical officer (Homeo) |
NA |
NA |
Preliminary Examination for Tripura combined competitive examination has been deferred until further notice |
NA |
NA |
Updated notification of Sub zonal Development officer/Deputy Principal officer, TTAADC 2024 |
NA |
NA |
Mains Examination for the recruitment to the post of Junior Engineer |
NA |
NA |
Invited for various posts under TRLM |
NA |
NA |
Recruitment of various posts under TRLM |
NA |
NA |
Results of the Mains Examination held on 29.09.2023, 30.09.2023 & 01.10.2023 for recruitment to the Tripura Civil Service-Grade-II & Tripura Police Service-Grade-II |
NA |
NA |
Notification for appointment to the post of TAFS Grade-I (Group-B Gazetted) |
NA |
NA |
Results of the preliminary Examination held on 08.10.2023 for recruitment to the post of TES |
NA |
NA |
Notification of TES Mains Examination |
NA |
NA |
Appointment for the recruitment to the Miscellaneous posts through Combined Competitive Examination |
NA |
NA |
Merit list of Personal Assistant Grade II, Govt. of Tripura |
NA |
NA |
Modified final Answer key of TES (Mechanical Engineering) Gr-V(A) & TES Gr-V(B) under the Department of Public Works, Govt. of Tripura |
NA |
NA |
Modified final Answer key of TES (Electrical Engineering) Gr-V(A) & TES Gr-V(B) under the Department of Public Works, Govt. of Tripura |
NA |
NA |
Modified final Answer key of TES (Civil Engineering) Gr-V(A) & TES Gr-V(B) under the Department of Public Works, Govt. of Tripura |
NA |
NA |
Latest Notification of miscellaneous posts through combined competitive exam |
NA |
NA |
The AAHPER/ Physical fitness test for recruitment to the post of Sports Officer |
NA |
NA |
Latest Notification of TES Gr-V(A) & TES Gr-V(B) under the Department of Public Works, Govt. of Tripura : High Court of Tripura order |
NA |
NA |
Recruitment of 8(eight) posts of Sports Officer, Group-B, Gazetted under Education (YAS) Department, Govt. of Tripura |
NA |
NA |
Preliminary Examination for the recruitment to the Miscellaneous posts through Combined Competitive Examination |
NA |
NA |
Interview/ Personality test for recruitment to the Miscellaneous posts through Combined Competitive Examination |
NA |
2024-02-03 |
Recruitment of Sub zonal Development officer/Deputy Principal officer, TTAADC 2024 |
2024-02-17 |
2024-01-25 |
Senior Computer Assistant, Group C, Non-Gazetted, Directorate of Treasuries, under the Finance Department & the Department of Industries and Commerce |
2024-02-26 |
NA |
Invite for Personality Test of the provisionally qualified candidates |
NA |
NA |
Result of the Mains Examinations for recruitment to the Miscellaneous posts |
NA |
2023-12-19 |
Subject/Discipline-wise requirement for direct recruitment to the posts of Asstt. Professor of AGMC & GBP |
2024-01-29 |
2023-12-21 |
Recruitment of Sofed for various post |
2023-12-31 |
2023-12-22 |
Physical endurance tests for recruitment of 1000 Police Constables (Both Men & Women) in Tripura Police |
2024-01-28 |
2023-12-08 |
Recruitment of Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission (TRLM). |
2023-12-17 |
2023-11-17 |
Recruitment of various non-teaching positions- National Law University Tripura. |
2023-11-02 |
2023-10-28 |
Tripura State Co-Operative Bank LTD. Recruitment 2023. |
2023-11-28 |
2023-11-01 |
High Court of Tripura Group D Recruitment Notification 2023 |
2023-12-03 |
2023-09-16 |
Tripura Excise Sub-inspector Result Out (16/09/2023) |
NA |
2023-09-16 |
Tripura Excise Sub-inspector Result Out (16/09/2023) |
NA |
2023-08-25 |
TPSC Election Inspector Recruitment is Cancelled |
NA |
2023-08-02 |
TPSC job openings 2023: Apply by August 10 for 60 Agriculture Officer positions |
2023-09-11 |
2023-07-18 |
Recruitment for TPSC Junior Engineer 2023: Advt. No. 09/2023 Has Been Re-Released |
2023-08-24 |
2023-07-10 |
TPSC TCS/TPS Prelims Result Published |
NA |
2023-07-10 |
TPSC TES Recruitment Process is Cancelled |
NA |
2023-07-04 |
TPSC TES Exam Scheduled |
2023-07-16 |
2023-04-27 |
JRBT Tripura Interview Date 2023 Resumed |
NA |
2023-04-24 |
TPSC Written Examination date Out! |
NA |
NA |
Tripura Public Service Commission Stenographer General Ability Test Date Notification |
NA |
2023-01-25 |
Notification for extension of submission date for Online Application for the post of Junior Engineer, TES, Gr-V(A) and Junior Engineer, TES, Gr-V(B) |
2023-02-10 |
2023-01-20 |
Notification regarding re-scheduled date for Written Examination of Sub-Inspector of Excise( Advt No-07/2022 & Advt. No-15/2022) |
2022-12-21 |
2023-01-17 |
Notice for postponement of ongoing Document Verification & Interview of Gr-C post (English) |
NA |
2023-01-11 |
Notification regarding re-scheduled date for Preliminary Examination of TCS & TPS, GR-II,2022-23( Advt No-05/2022). |
NA |
2023-01-06 |
Result of Preliminary Examination for recruitment to the Miscellaneous Posts(Advt. No.06/2021) |
NA |
2022-12-29 |
Programme of Interview/Personality Test for recruitment to the post of Scientific Officer, Group-B (Gazetted)in three different branches/discipline, State Forensic Science Laboratory under Home Department, Government of Tripura. |
NA |
2022-12-26 |
Notice For Interview (JRBT)- 2022 |
NA |
2022-12-07 |
Recuritement to the post of Tehslider in the District Administration(Revenue) Depertment |
NA |
2022-12-02 |
Recuritement to the post of Senior Computer Asistant in the District Administration(Revenue) Depertment |
NA |
2022-12-07 |
Recuritement to the post of Revenue Inspector in the District Administration(Revenue) Depertment |
NA |
2022-12-03 |
Notification for Graduate Teacher ( VI- VIII) - 2022 Third Session |
2022-12-08 |
2022-12-03 |
Recruitment of Warder (male) in Home (Jail) Department- 2022 |
2022-12-07 |
NA |
Syllabus, Scheme of Exam, Annexure-A etc. regarding the post of Agriculture Officer, TAFS Gr-I (Advt. No.18/2022) |
NA |
2022-12-02 |
TPSC LD Assistant result out |
NA |
2022-11-30 |
Notice for publication of list of provisionally qualifiedand candidates for Interview for Group-C &MTS(Gr.-D) posts |
NA |
2022-11-30 |
Notice for publication of list of provisionally qualified candidates for Interview for Group-C&MTS(Gr.-D)posts - |
NA |
2022-11-29 |
List of Provisionally Qualified Candidates for Interview for Group - C post |
NA |
2022-11-29 |
List of Provisionally Qualified Candidates for Interview for MTS ( Group - D) post |
NA |
NA |
Advertisement regarding recruitment to the post of Agriculture Officer,TAFS,Gr-I,Group-B Gazetted under the Department of Agriculture and Farmer's Welfare,Govt. of Tripura. - 2022 |
2023-01-09 |
NA |
Syllabus for written examination & interview for the post of Staff Nurse.- 2022 |
NA |
2022-11-18 |
Notification regarding Combined Competitive Examination for recruitment to the Miscellanious posts,Govt. of Tripura.- 2022 |
NA |
2022-11-18 |
Notification regarding Main Examination and Preliminary Examination for recruitment to various posts. |
NA |
NA |
Advertisement for recruitment to the posts of Sub-Inspector of Excise for Excise Ogranization- 2022 |
2022-12-21 |
NA |
Advertisement for recruitment to the posts of Junior Engineer, TES,Grade-V(A)(Degree) & Junior Engineer, TES,Grade-V(B)(Diploma)[ Civil, Mechanical & Electrical ]- 2022 |
2022-12-26 |
2022-11-05 |
T-TET 2022 Notice |
2022-11-22 |
2022-09-15 |
Addendum to the Tripura Combined Competitive Examination for recruitment to Miscellaneous posts-2022 |
NA |
2022-07-29 |
Notification: STPGT- Second Session-2022 |
2022-08-23 |
2022-07-15 |
STGT-2022 Notification |
2022-07-30 |
2022-05-24 |
Tripura Fire & Emergency Services Recruitment Notification dated 24-05-2022 |
2022-06-10 |
2022-05-18 |
Notification regarding Preliminary Examination/Written Examination for recruitment to various posts/services. |
NA |
2022-05-02 |
Addendum regarding Commissions Advt. No. 06/2021 dated 07-12-2021. Download! (02/05/2022) |
NA |
2022-04-28 |
Recruitment notification for the post of 1362 Fireman(FM). (28/04/2022) |
2022-06-10 |
2022-04-25 |
Result of Written Examination to the post of Sub-Inspector of Police (Advt. No.05/2020) (25/04/2022) |
NA |
NA |
Advertisement for recruitment to the post of Personal Assistant Grade-II (PA-II) under GA(P&T) Department |
2022-05-31 |
2022-03-14 |
Syllabus of Preliminary Exam. for recruitment to Personal Assistant Grade-II (PA-II) |
NA |
NA |
Advertisement regarding recruitment to the post of Sub-Inspector of Excise for Excise Organization (Group-C,Non-Gazetted) under Finance Department, Govt. of Tripura. (14/03/2022) |
2022-05-25 |
NA |
Roll no. of candidates qualified for ‘Type Test’ for recruitment to the post of LDC for Office of the District & Session Judge, Unakoti District, Kailashahar. (14/03/2022) |
NA |
2022-03-03 |
Advertisement regarding recruitment to Tripura Civil Service, Gr-II & Tripura Police Service, Gr-II,Group A Gazetted under GA(P& T) Department,Govt. of Tripura. (03/03/2022) |
2022-04-30 |
2022-01-24 |
Notification for Date of Written Examination for the post of LD Asstt. cum Typist, Gr-VI of TSS (Advt. No.05/2021) (24/01/2022) |
NA |
2021-12-07 |
Advertisement for recruitment to the post of Suprevisor (ICDS), Group-C Non Gazetted under SWSE Deptt. (07/12/2021) |
2022-01-20 |
2021-11-05 |
Advertisement for recruitment to the post of L.D. Asstt.-cum-Typist, Grade-VI of the Tripura Secretariat Service (Group-C, Non-Gazetted) under GA(SA) Deptt.(Advt. No.-052021) (05/11/2021) |
2022-01-15 |
2021-10-25 |
RECRUIMENT NOTICE Dated 25-10-2021: Online Applications are invited for filling up 14 (fourteen) Group-B Non-Gazetted posts of Personal Assistant (PA) in the establishment of the High Court of Tripura. (25/10/2021) |
2021-11-20 |
2021-09-30 |
Result of Physical Efficiency Test for Sub-Inspector of Police (Advt. No.05/2020) (30/09/2021) |
NA |
2021-09-29 |
Notification regarding Written Exam for Sub-Inspector of Police (Advt. No.05/2020) (29/09/2021) |
NA |
2021-09-10 |
Important Instructions for candidates appearing STGT/STPGT-2020 (10/09/2021) |
NA |
2021-09-01 |
Rescheduling of T-TET 2021 (01/09/2021) |
NA |
2021-08-26 |
Extension the period for submission of online application for the Departmental Exam. of Assistant Audit/Accounts Officer (26/08/2021) |
2021-09-27 |
2021-08-25 |
Notification regarding rescheduling for submission of online application to the post of Food Safety Officer, Group-B Gazetted under Health and Family Welfare Department ,Govt. of Tripura vide Advt. No. 04/2021 (25/08/2021) |
2021-09-30 |
2021-08-17 |
Notice for schedule of written examination in C/W recruitment the post of Riflemen and Riflemen (Tradesmen) for new TST IR BN (17/08/2021) |
NA |
2021-08-13 |
Date for Physical Efficiency Test for the post of S. I. Police(Men)(UB)(Advt. No-05/2020) (14/08/2021) |
NA |
2021-08-13 |
Result of Main(Written) Examination of TCS,Gr-II & TPS. Gr-II(Advt. No.-03/2020) (13/08/2021) |
NA |